
Overwatch: Rebelion

Hello, here is my second creation called Rebelion. This time we are going to Numbani, where Null Sector attacked. They have managed to take control over guardian omnics OR-15, they also took 6 omnics hostage. Your job is to rescue first 4 survivors, then get to airport terminal and download informations about positions of 2 remaining omnics and hacked OR-15 units. Next up you have to escort 2 survivors to a bunker, however right before that Null Sector catches you. You have to defend survivors from subjugators by any chance. When you fight off the attack. You have to disable city's power to prevent any further unexpected attacks. For this you have to escort payload and destroy reactor. By doing this you trigger Null Sector's defence system and a powerful version of artillery appears. Ar3i11ery-NS is able to fire airstrike attacks at you. It also hold a minigun and grenade launcher. After Ar3i11ery-NS is defeated 2nd defence system gets triggered. Because of that you have to escape from the city as fast as possible. While escaping barrages are constantly fired at you. When you get to the airport terminal you have to wait 3 minutes until extraction.

As always if anything is wrong let me know, and have a great time playing my mission. :)

Also if you haven't played yet, here is the first mission:

Players | 1 - 4
Categories: Protect, PvE
Heroes: Orisa, Cassidy, Genji, Mei, Tracer, and 2 more...
Maps: Numbani
Created at:
Last updated:
Current version: 1.3



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